Tips For De-cluttering The Bedroom
/Master bedroom design with Iron Hide Bed for the Full House Lottery
To be honest, our bedroom is one of the most neglected rooms in the home. We spend time tidying the main floor and pestering our kids to clean their own rooms, but our bedroom often ends up the dumping grounds. It’s where paperwork that never made it to the office goes, clean laundry waiting to be sorted and folded is and anything else we shove in there when company is coming over.
So aside from sharing our struggle we thought we would share a few tips on getting is organized again.
Get rid of unnecessary clothes
Socks without pairs? Underwear with holes? Clothes that no longer fit? Go through your drawers and closet to weed out the things you no longer use. You can consider donating it or one of my favourite things is hosting a clothing swap. Basically you get your friends together and you all bring clothes you no longer want. You take their old items, you take theirs and everyone wins.
Clear out things from underneath the bed
We have one cat that likes to steal socks and bring them under the bed. We often find a stash under there, along with toys from the kids playing and random things that have gotten kicked under. Take a few minutes to clean out from under the bed for a nice clear space.
A custom floating bed frame done for the Full House Lottery
Get rid of anything that doesn’t belong
Make a pile of everything that doesn’t belong in your bedroom, such as those kids toys, paperwork, junk from your bedside table, tea mugs or anything else lingering. Once you’ve gone through the whole room, put things in the places and wipe down the surfaces.
Create functional, yet beautiful storage solutions
Depending on the space you have there are many options for beautiful storage solutions. If everything has a place to go, it’s more likely to end up there. Most of the time things end of up chairs and exercise equipment, because it doesn’t really have a home. So have a home for everything and it’s more likely to end up there.
A custom wood bed made with drawers built in on either side. Great storage solution in a smaller bedroom.
Sleek barn doors to cover closet openings to keep a clean de-cluttered look in the bedroom.